WSD Productions
Look for Ignorance by Design a new production by Jim Warne
Jim Warne partners with FOX Sports and is featured on FOX NFL
Pregame Show "Oyáte un Itówapi - Pictures of my People" on
Thanksgiving Day 2020. The piece is featured again on Fox
Sports TV Show, "Voices" on Martin Luther King Day 2021!
"Oyáte un Itówapi - Pictures of my People"
WSD Productions presents "Remember the Children"
Award winning short film about the Rapid City Indian Boarding School... Our children will not be forgotten
"Remember the Children" has won eight Film Festival Awards!
Executive Producer Jim Warne
An Arlo Iron Cloud Film
Winner Best Native American Directed Short Film, Phoenix Film Festival, Phoenix. Arizona April 2, 2023
Winner Audience Choice Award Durango Film Festival, Durango, Colorado March 5, 2023
Winner Accolade Humanitarian Award Best of 2022 LaJolla, California February 2023
Winner Award of Excellence Special Mention (Indigenous) and Excellence (Educational), IndieFest Film Awards, January 2023
Winner Best Short Film, Switzerland Independent Film Festival Aubonne, Switzerland December 16, 2022
Winner Best Short Documentary, Fusion European Film Festivals, Warsaw, Poland December 10, 2022
Winner Award of Excellence Special Mention, Accolade Film Awards, August 2023

Award winning "7th Generation" continues on Amazon!
To view "7th Generation" go to Amazon Prime Video and xfinity Comcast Cable
Northern Visions Television NVTV Belfast, Northern Ireland Aired @ 9pm UK Time, February 20, 2021 >
Encore Presentation, Black Hills Film Festival Rapid City and Black Hills South Dakota February 18-25, 2021
Nominated Best Short Documentary, Best Educational Film & Best Cinematography, Fusion South IFF, Valencia, Spain Oct 24, 2020
Winner Best Short Documentary, Montreal International Indie Short Film Awards, Montreal Canada, May 1, 2020
Winner Best Feature Documentary and the Angel Spirit Award, Monaco Film Festival, Monte Carlo, February 23, 2020
Screening and Leture Leicester University Leicester, United Kingdom January 29, 2020
Winner Best Short Documentary Fusion West International FF Brussels, Belgium August 22, 2019
Winner Best Documentary Feature Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival HBFF Hollywood, CA June 15 & 16, 2019
Winner Best Feature Documentary Central States Indie FanFilmFest, Quad Cities Illinois, May 28 - 31, 2019
Winner Best Science and Educational Film Nice International Film Festival Nice, France, May 18, 2019
Winner Best Documentary Carole International Film Festival, Winner Carole, Italy May 9 - 11, 2019
"7th Generation" has been honored with twenty awards and honors from a variety of Film Festivals and Awards worldwide.
We are pleased with the positive repose to the film and it's message. Thank you to all who awarded, reviewed and watched our film!!!
Go to the "7th Generation" A Documentary Film IMDb Website for more information. Click here for IMDb >
Also stream on Comcast xfinity Cable Streampix Video on Demand and Amazon Prime Video >
Testimonials for "7th Generation"
“...This is an excellent overview of a barbaric episode in US history - the massacre of over 200 Indian women, children, infants and elders at Wounded Knee... How that and subsequent treatment of Indian youth in boarding schools led to a lot of shame... And how the current generation is working to recover their language and their pride. "To have everything, you must give it all away." Very worth watching!” ~ Top customer reviews 5.0 out of 5 stars May 19, 2018 Amazon Prime Video
"Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival proudly presented the Louisiana Premiere of 7th GENERATION.... As we expected, our audiences were engaged and moved by this important film. Jim and his film were so well received that the film was awarded our prized Inspiration Award. Jim Warne and 7th GENERATION are indeed inspiring!” ~ Rebecca Hudsmith and Pat Mire, COTBFF
“7th Generation is an illuminating and a fascinating look at Black Elk's prophecy that healing and change is immanent - lead by today's native youth. Congratulations... We most sincerely wish you much luck with this important film.” ~ IndieFEST Film Awards
"Jim Warne’s film honors our Tribal elders who held onto the wisdom for future generations and generates PRIDE within Indian country as well as opens minds... A must see documentary for everyone." ~ Cline Griggs, White Mountain Apache Tribal Council
“We are excited to have such a talent like Jim Warne join us at the symposium… This amazing and powerful film is a must-see for all South Dakotans." ~ Wenday Parent-Johnson, Center for Disabilites University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine
“The Heard Museum screened 7th Generation... the audience expressed their connections to the film and commented how the film brilliantly displayed a conversation that has been overlooked for all Americans.” ~ Marcus Monenerkit, Heard Museum Curator
“There are strong lessons to be learned from viewing the 7th Generation. Jim Warne and his colleagues present the issues and the illustrations of Native American life in past decades and present a view of a positive future... As noted by Mr. Warne, I hope there will be a Native American President in our future.” ~ Fred R. McFarlane, Ph.D. Interwork Institute, San Diego State University
"As a French student in San Diego, I had the opportunity to meet Jim Warne and watch his movie "7th Generation"... a lot of lessons to learn how Native Americans see the future and want the best for the 7th generation. A true message of hope and peace that anyone in the world can take as an example." ~ Loïc BENEYTO, Semestre de Management Interculturel (SMI), French International Student Cohort at the American Language Institute (ALI), San Diego State University
“Jim's film “7th Generation,” shares our tribal prophecy and history from a Lakota perspective.... I am proud to see the insights that our elders shared about the future for the 7th Generation. It is a powerful message that will educate all people of our history.”
~ Scott Weston, President (2016-2018), Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe
“Sometimes you come across a film which is not just a good film, but it’s a great film! A film which moves you, informs you, makes you want to change your life. And this is this film. Please catch `7th Generation’, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen.”
~ Michael Lane, Chair, Clarendon Park Cinema, Leicester, United Kingdom – Caorle Italy Film Festival Judge
"7th Generation" WINNER of Twenty-One Film Festival Awards!

Jim Warne, WSD Productions and Hokan Media partner
to co-produce "Decade of Dominance, The Warriors"
A Daniel Golding Film. Go to:
Winner Best Educational Film Fusion North International FF London, UK February 15, 2020
Winner Directors Choice Gallup Film Festival Gallup, New Mexico September 12-14, 2019